HP Mosaic is a user-friendly programme that gives you the opportunity to customize your package. With HP Mosaic, the label on the product becomes even more important.

It is used by global brands, thanks to the fact that it allows to generate countless unique designs, distinguishing the product from the competition. Such companies as Coca-Cola and Budweiser have appreciated enormous possibilities offered by the programme and a number of campaigns with original labels. With the use of the programme, the manufacturer of Nutella cream generated nearly 7 million unique labels. Nutella’s customized jars were sold within one month!

Our printing house has long been using HP Mosaic’s capabilities, this year we created a range of unique, customised self-adhesive labels, generated with HP software; these labels were nominated in the prestigious Arf of Packaging contest.

Recently we have used a programme to create unique labels for packages of popular sweets.

If you are looking for a printing house that will help you to distinguish your product, please contact us.