Druk w 4 dni

Printing service with a 4-day lead time

Shortages in labels? Just-in-time production? Urgent order for a retail chain?
Farby Specjalne - Webinar

Special Inks – the Webinar

Join us on 8 March for another free webinar related to news from the world of labels and packaging. A huge dose of knowledge, inspiration... but also humour, as the subject is extremely charming and intriguing,
Dzieci projektują…

Children design…

At the end of November last year, as part of the action to support the fundraiser for Zosia Rumińska, using the possibilities offered by digital printing technology, we printed a series of personalised labels designed by Zosia's friends.
Webinar Eko-rozwiązania – podsumowanie

Webinar Eco-solutions – summary

On 25 January, the first free webinar on the design and production of labels and packaging took place, organised in collaboration with the Packaging Innovations Trade Fair team.